Employment Counselling and Skills Building

As a job seeker, you may begin thinking about your employment journey and specific career goals. Our suite of services, specifically designed to meet the needs of immigrants to Canada, provides a step-by-step approach to finding work.

We help job seekers define career goals and then direct them to the right services to find employment, improve their confidence and increase their chance of success.

This includes connecting job seekers with job opportunities and mentoring supports through well-established relationships with employers throughout the region.

Career Counselling

Employment counselling is truly at the heart of our organization. When a client seeks out services or asks for help, our counsellors are there to offer advice, encouragement and assistance.

At WILL, supporting our clients means building a partnership between the counsellor and the client. The client brings their qualifications, experience and skills, and the counsellors bring the needed knowledge to fill in any information gaps the newcomer may have.

Employment counselling provides individuals with valuable support in the employment planning and development process. Counsellors can help you explore employment goals, discover services and training that fit your skills, and develop a plan to reach your goals.

Career Assessments

It is important to identify your interests, aptitude, skills and personal qualities that will contribute to your success in a career path or new career opportunities. These sessions are individualized to your needs and there are a variety of tools that can be used to help you identify your unique strengths.

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